Our Roots

Pedro Point Sirens has been a coastside staple since 2006 providing customers with unique and sought after beach cultured housewares and gifts.
It all began when two sisters, Shona & Camille, had an idea to bring a softer side to the rugged, male dominated surf culture in which they were born. They wanted everyone to have a chance to experience the beauty that grew within this lifestyle and thought it would be a much needed addition to their coastal community. As a result, Sirens was born. Throughout the years the shop has grown and developed into a local favorite and continues to grow and change like the ebb and flow of the seas.
Enter Grace, a local friend and "seastar" to the sisters, who came in as a partner in 2011. Grace brought her own keen eye and love of the ocean and helped develop another side of Sirens while holding strong to the original dream within its roots. She has been the sole owner since 2015.